Mission Statement
These film awards are run by high-end industry professionals who have decided to show recognition to all good-quality productions and crew people. We seek to encourage young people and established artists alike in the film and television industry. We are genuinely based in Malibu West.
IMDb qualifying Film festival
We cannot reveal who is behind these awards for fear of "friends & colleagues" expecting special favors. These awards are our way of saying thanks to all the great crew people world-wide who sacrifice so much for the art.
We have judges in USA, Germany, and UK. Some of our staff judges are fluent in English and in German.
Awards & Prizes
There are a number of Award Categories: Feel free to enter any that you wish. All categories have bronze, silver, gold and platinum levels.
We award semi finalists these awards every quarter. As a semi-finalist these awards are classed as festival wins (as per Imdb)
2 weeks before the main event, we award the Best Films of the Year: The Los Angeles Prize. These are for the best and most promising semi-finalists for the year.
The Main Event is in August of each year
The awards for the Main Event are in the following categories:
The Los Angeles Prize: Best Film
The Los Angeles Prize: Best Screenplay
The Los Angeles Prize: Best Un-produced Screenplay
The Los Angeles Prize: Best Director
The Los Angeles Prize: Best Actor (male, female or other)
The Los Angeles Prize: Best Supporting Actor (male, female or other)
The Los Angeles Prize: Best Composer
The Los Angeles Prize: Best Documentary
The Los Angeles Prize: Best Short Film
You cannot enter directly for these awards, but anyone entering the festival will automatically be in consideration for these Main Event awards.
In order to keep entry fees down, no award trophies are handed out to winners, BUT trophies are available to purchase from our website at a low cost.
ALL larger and smaller awards are Imdb eligible
-Feature Films are defined as over 62 minutes. Preferred feature film
consideration shall be awarded to films over 72 mins.
-The winners shall be notified by email within 2 weeks of entires closing and will receive a digital certificate.
In order to keep entry fees down, No award trophies are handed out to winners.
-The awards competition is open to people all over the world.
-You are encouraged to enter as many categories as you wish. Be assured that although you have better odds at winning the more "obscure" categories, no guarantee is given that you will win anything. We reserve the right to move your film to another appropriate category if there is a better chance at winning.
-Acceptance and “being in consideration” is not a pre-requisite for getting an automatic screening at the festival. 2 weeks before the event we will make a decision on what films will be screening
ALL larger and smaller awards are Imdb eligible